Community Resources
and Engagement
Belong! connects families and individuals in our community with the resources and essential services that help empower them and promote opportunities for their success.
Parenting Classes

One of Belong!'s goals is to strengthen families so that their children can develop to their full potential.
We partner with organizations/individuals specialized in childhood development and psychology to offer parenting classes that engage parents in dialogue and strengthen parent-child communications and nourish understanding of their children.
Classes we have helped sponsor include Loving Solutions; The Effects of Childhood Trauma; Basic Computers; and How to Use Schoology.
Nutrition Education

Through our partnership with INOVA Healthy Plate Club, we provide children and their families with valuable nutrition education and healthy snacks.
This initiative serves as an empowering tool to help children make healthier food choices. In this eight-week class, students not only explore new, delightful ways to cook and enjoy vegetables but also develop a taste for them, even if they were initially skeptical. They also learn to create well-balanced, nutritious meals rich with protein, fiber, and vitamins. The program covers reading food labels and understanding which foods are best for daily consumption and which are occasional treats. Kids have fun with educational games and get to cook and try exciting foods like kale chips and breaded, baked zucchini.
Connecting our Community
with Resources
Belong! is well positioned to respond to the needs in our community by making quick and efficient connections with resources available in our town and county.
We have created a Spanish informational flyer that we share with families to keep them abreast of current resources and events in our area.
Service Projects

Belong! invites families to engage in the community by offering service project opportunities. Serving together is a great way to build genuine relationships and show people that they can be active members of our community.
These are some of the services projects Belong! has sponsored:
Town of Vienna Flower Planting event - brought people together to plant flowers and beautify part of our town
Raking for Relief - kids and families raked yards for donations to support families in Central America devastated by two back-to-back hurricanes. We worked hard over two weekends to raise over $2,000 from donations!
A morning to clean up the neighborhood where kids got a chance to walk around Vienna picking up trash
Town of Vienna Earth Care Day - a family event to help spruce and clean up Vienna Parks